Cool pastel toned bedroom

Cool pastel toned bedroom

Give the bedroom a fresh look with attractive print decoration in pastel shades. On the bed: velvety soft plush blanket with boho pattern. Laptop: contour-cut stickers with an image of trendy ladies, fruit, jungle leaves, etc. in terracotta colours. Against the wall: minimalist landscape in pastel colors on canvas.

Canvas prints

When printing a photo on canvas, the image is printed on a high-quality canvas with a linen structure and a silky gloss finish. Thanks to the superior printing quality, the colors are true to life and the smallest details are reproduced with razor sharpness.


This plush blanket is nice and warm and feels wonderfully soft on the skin. The plush blankets measure 150 by 200 cm. They are printed on the front and have a solid white back. The silky soft fabric consists of 100% recycled material and is easily washable at 30°.

Contour cut stickers

Contour-cut stickers are ideal for giving your belongings a personal look. Simply stick them on any smooth surface: your laptop, refrigerator, windows, furniture, it's all possible. The stickers consist of sturdy Orafol® PVC foil and are water and weather resistant. This makes them even suitable for use on an outside door or car. Apply them easily, without air bubbles, thanks to the clever Rapid Air adhesive technology.


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All wall decorations are shipped in custom reinforced cardboard packaging to ensure they arrive to you in perfect condition.