Cute Easter decoration

Cute Easter decoration

Gallery wall with 2 aluminum prints and 1 framed poster. Wallpaper with pastel Easter eggs pattern. Easter is the time of year to give your home a thorough spring cleaning. Freshen up the nursery for the occasion with a gallery wall or wallpaper with cheerful Easter drawings.

Aluminium prints

A photo on aluminum has a matte, rugged look. Aluminum is a sturdy, lightweight material that makes the vibrant colors and smallest details of your photo shine intensely.

Framed poster

A framed poster features a black wooden frame with glossy float glass and white passe-partout. The posters are printed with the best ink on premium paper of 180 gr/m2. The result is a print of the very highest quality.


Our wall stickers are made of sturdy Orafol® PVC foil and have a matte appearance. They are extremely easy to apply on a smooth and clean wall, without air bubbles. The pin-sharp details and lifelike colours are printed with an environmentally friendly HP Latex printer in UV-resistant ink.


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All wall decorations are shipped in custom reinforced cardboard packaging to ensure they arrive to you in perfect condition.