Sea breeze decoration

Sea breeze decoration

North Sea canvas print and decorative cushions with colorful print. This fun combination will refresh your interior in no time.

Canvas prints

When printing a photo on canvas, the image is printed on a high-quality canvas with a linen structure and a silky gloss finish. Thanks to the superior printing quality, the colors are true to life and the smallest details are reproduced with razor sharpness.

Throw pillow

These super soft decorative cushions have a supple, shiny fabric made of 100% recycled material and are finished with a concealed zip. The cover is printed on both sides and can be washed at 30°. Available in 3 sizes, including pillow filling. The anti-allergenic pillow filling is machine washable at 60°.


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All wall decorations are shipped in custom reinforced cardboard packaging to ensure they arrive to you in perfect condition.