Do you want to decorate your walls using custom prints? A canvas print is always a good idea. In our online photo library you will find a wide range of images for any interior style. Conveniently sorted by different themes so that you can search in a targeted manner. The photos in our image bank are made by professional designers and photographers and have been carefully selected based on print quality. As a result, your photo on canvas will always be printed very sharply, even if you choose a large format print. At Nikkel Art you can determine the dimensions of your canvas print to an accuracy of 10 cm. The maximum size is no less than 120 x 80 cm, unless of course you go for a multi-panel. Handy to know: with each image it is indicated how much you can enlarge it without sacrificing quality. Prefer to use your own photo? That is possible as well. Discover below what you should pay attention to when you get started with self-made photos.

“Does my photo have good resolution?” is perhaps the most frequently asked question about printing a photo on canvas. To guarantee a quality result, we recommend using a photo that is at least 1000 x 1000 pixels in size and has a minimum resolution of 150 DPI. On our website you can upload photos between 1 MB and 20 MB. Is your file bigger? Feel free to forward the photo via WeTransfer. If you still have doubts about the quality of the chosen photo, you can request a digital proof when placing your order. We will enlarge the photo to the requested size and then cut out a piece that we will send you by email. Based on that, you can decide whether or not the sharpness meets your expectations. If you are not satisfied, you can send us a new photo. It is good to know that our employees always do a visual check as well before your order is printed. More questions about what is a good photo for a canvas? Feel free to contact us via email or telephone.

Looking for fun ideas? View our canvas prints inspirations